
Interesting knitting blogs

It has taken me a while but I finally got around to reviewing the links to other blogs that I have on this site and was thrilled to discover and rediscover some fun things.

First, the discovery: Lynn One, Purl Two is a great
little site written by Lynn Cullen who, with her Mom, runs Mary's Yarns in Unionville, just north of Scarborough, ON.

Lynn represents what so many of our younger custoners would love to have: a good excuse to spend the majority of her day in a yarn store, knitting, designing, blogging and all the other fun things that this job offers.

Above is a picture of Lynn's thumb holding up a book from Japan that a friend brought her, showing a cozy sweater knit for together couples. Check out the blog, it really is fun.

The redicsovered blogsite is a lovely story. In January 2007, The knitnotwar 1,0o0 project announced its intention to mount an art display of 1000 knitted, felted origami cranes by late 2007 in Portland, Oregon.

Their latest post dated Feb. 19th, 2010, announces that they are just 60 cranes away from the 1000 target. This says so much to me about commitment: achieving a goal 3 years after the anticipated deadline to my way of thinking would require much more tenacity than achieving the original goal on time.

And besides that, they also announced that the Peace Promotion Division of The City of Hiroshima will be hanging the final project in one of the booths (for displaying folded cranes) surrounding the Children's Peace Monument after it has been shown in Portland. What an honour for them.
I do believe that linking here will get you to the pattern if you'd like to try it. Aren't the cranes lovely in this picture? I'm sure the group would be thrilled to have any of you join them in their last efforts.

And finally, just in case any of you think that the only interesting knitting stuff comes to us through cyberspace, this is a picture of a real fellow in Jamaica selling his wares and knitting caps from his table, not on etsy. It's a picture taken by the sister of one our customers who actually met the real live guy and didn't even need to go to a website to get his picture.